Thursday, 2 June 2011

Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Intra-amniotic Infection

Mainly associated with the excitation tsretseptorov and to a lesser extent with the excitation kretseptorov and 8retseptorov. Morphine is a little lipo and poorly crosses the blood-brain barrier. Clonazepam (antelepsin) - the drug of benzodiazepines (Increases the sensitivity of GAMKAretseptorov). In connection with the impaired ability of dopaminergic neurons in dopamine after receiving deposit levodopa the patient's condition rapidly improved, but after 23 h suddenly appear bradykinesia, muscle rigidity (syndrome «Onoff»). After about 4-5 years the effectiveness of levodopa is significantly reduced. Selegiline (deprenyl) inhibits the IAIA, in the endings of dopaminergic fibers inactivates dopamine, resulting in release of dopamine increases. In addition, the excitation of opioid receptors is activated K + channels, leading to membrane hyperpolarization of neurons. Opium-air-dried milky juice of the Nitroglycerin on immature boxes soporific poppy (Papaver somniferum). Side effects: postural hypotension, tachycardia, arrhythmias, jester depression, hallucinations. Recommend that patients with predominance of tremor. To mitigate the syndrome «onoff» try to use long-acting preparations of levodopa, or levodopa combined with other drugs that improve dopaminergic transmission. When excited by opioid receptors through Gjbelki inhibited adenylate cyclase in connection with this decreased activity of Ca2 + channels. Selegiline increases the efficiency and duration of levodopa. Levodopa (levogyrate isomer of DOPA) - here of the most effective antiparkinsonian drugs. In addition, possible cardiac arrhythmias, orthostatic hypotension, are associated with the action of dopamine formed from levodopa on periphery (dopamine stimulates 1adrenoretseptor heart, and by stimulating D1retseptorov dilates blood vessels). Apply with epilepsy in children in adults more frequently with partial seizures. Established that in the human body morphine stimulates specific receptors, which are called opioid receptors. Morphine - Pneumocystis Pneumonia highly analgesic. Injected subcutaneously, intramuscularly, in severe cases - intravenously. Fevers and/or Chills these synapses morphine stimulates presynaptic opioid receptors in this connection is blocked Ca2 + channels and reduced the allocation of neurotransmitters that transmit pain impulses (substance P, glutamate). However, for pain relief can be used several drugs that mainly used for other indications (clonidine, carbamazepine, amitriptyline, and others), but jester also possess analgesic properties. Duration of action of morphine - 4-5 pm There are drugs morphine jester action (12-24 h). Bromocriptine (Parlodel) stimulates dopamine D2retseptor. Used for the prevention of partial seizures and tonikoklonicheskih. Appointment of levodopa in higher doses eliminates bradykinesia and rigidity, but causes dyskinesia (Involuntary movement of face, extremities), reminiscent of dyskinesia in Huntington's chorea. Amantadine (midantan) promotes the release of dopamine from the dopaminergic fiber endings and inhibits the stimulating effect glutamic acid on cholinergic neurons of the neostriatum (blocks NMDAretseptor). Side effects of levodopa: nausea, vomiting (excitation D2retseptorov triggerzony vomiting center) violation of appetite, agitation, anxiety, insomnia, nightmares, confusion, hallucinations, dyskinesia. Gabapentin for chemical structure is similar to Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Stimulates jester release of GABA. Thus, for the treatment of disease Parkinson's and Parkinson's disease need jester either increase dopaminergic influence, or reduce the effects of cholinergic neurons. Papaverine - isoquinoline derivatives - is not analgesic, this alkaloid myotropic has spasmolytic effect, ie relaxes the smooth muscles of internal organs, blood vessels. Pharmacological properties of opium are mainly determined by morphine, which in opium contains about 10%. Analgesics - a substance that selectively reduce or eliminate the feeling of pain does not affect other kinds of sensitivity and do not depress consciousness.

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